Activity Array

Here you'll find an array of activities for elementary children that can be used in Children's Ministry, after-school programs, in the classroom and by homeschoolers.

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Celebrating God’s Goodness in Fall

The world may start the fall season celebrating death and darkness, but we know the God of light and life! Let’s celebrate His goodness!

The trees burst into beautiful display just before the earth is covered with cold snow. Isn’t that like God to make beauty in every season! The harvest is in and we celebrate the Creator of it all, the Lord of the harvest. Soon Jesus will come for His harvest, His people — all those who have accepted Him as their Savior and have the fruits of His Holy Spirit growing within them! Praise God that He give us eternal life!

Un-Halloween — God’s Light Shines in and Overcomes Darkness

Unlike Halloween which celebrates darkness, we celebrate the Light which overcomes darkness. Jesus brings light and life to all who turn to Him. In this interactive presentation, we use the pumpkin as an object lesson of the salvation that God gives and how He puts His light within us.


Thank you for my Family!

Mom and Dad, you are so important to your child! You are a picture of God and we are so thankful for you! By the end of this presentation each family will have a center piece or an object to place beside their family member’s place, which will have messages of praise and thanks for them. Along the way there is a team-building exercise and lots of songs.

Pumpkin Parent Praise Craft

Thanksgiving Tree Craft – Thanks Dad/Mom

Thanksgiving Turkey — Thanks brother / sister — I love you, you little turkey

Thank you Lord For Making Me, Me

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Thank you For Making Me, POSTER

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King Solomon

Solomon was David and Bathsheba’s son. Their first son died due to David’s sin. However, when Solomon was born, God told David and Bathsheba that He loved him. In fact God named him Jedidiah, loved by God. King David promised Bathsheba that when the time came, Solomon would be the next king. King Solomon was given great wisdom and God was more than happy to grant his request and give him much more besides. Our God is a gracious, generous, rich Provider.

Come journey with us as we learn about King Solomon and gain wisdom from him. These presentations are made so that you, the teacher, have the Bible text, pictures, and activities which you can display on your computer and classroom TV/screen or on Zoom or other online presentation. I hope you enjoy them.

King Solomon Asks for Wisdom — 1 Kings 1-3

This presentation starts out with a baton relay which leads into the story of King David passing the leadership to Solomon and has him crowned king. King Solomon starts his reign by worshiping and praising God. God asks Solomon to ask for anything he wants and He will give it to him. Solomon asks for wisdom! Another activity is to search for Proverb coins as Proverbs 2:4-6 and 16:16 suggest.

King Solomon Builds a Temple for the Lord — 1 Kings 6; 2 Chronicles 1-5

God chose Solomon to build a temple for His Great Name. Get out the Duplos and build along with Solomon! Note the resources below. What a beautiful testimony to God’s greatness, goodness, and love!

Blueprints to Build Solomon’s Temple with Duplos pdf

Temple Wall Decor for Duplo Solomon’s Temple — print on yellow or gold

Temple and Courtyard Furnishings — color print on white card stock paper

Felt Solomon’s Temple — print on 6 iron-on papers for dark fabrics

The Lord’s Glory Fills the Temple — 2 Chronicles 5-7

When the temple was all done, God answered the prayers and praise. He filled the temple with His glorious presence like a cloud and sent fire to consume the sacrifice. God desires to be with us too and to consume all our sin and woes. Remember, “Where two or three are gathered in My Name, there I will be with them.” Matthew 18:20 For the craft, we made a mobile reminding us to worship and praise God.

Worship and Praise God mobile

The queen of Sheba visits King Solomon — 1 Kings 9-11, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes

In this interactive PowerPoint presentation is packed full of fun. We learn about some of the amazing things King Solomon made and said. We, too, build those items out of dough. One of the things Solomon talked about was working hard. He said to look at the ants, so we do. We also learn of the queen of Sheba’s visit. She brought spices and jewels, so we look at and smell spices and show special stones and jewels. Finally, there is a game at the end.

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David, A Shepherd Boy Becomes a King.

God called David, a man after his own heart. David was humble and praised God! He truely did want to follow God and do what was right. When he did wrong, he confessed his sin. He accepted God’s judgement as just and praised Him for His forgiveness. As we learn about the life of David, we also will learn about God’s armor which protects us from our enemy, the devil and brings us into the service of our Commander, the Lord God Almighty.

David, the Shepherd boy, anointed by Samuel, serves the king — 1 Samuel 16

God tells Samuel to anoint David to be the new king, when it was time. David loved God with all of his heart and praised Him while playing his harp. For the craft, we make our own harps and then play them as we sing. God prepared David for kingship by giving him the Holy Spirit and giving him a job in the palace. In this presentation we learn how David had the full armor of God and how God protects and cares for us.

David and Goliath; God Wins the Battle — 1 Samuel 17

In this presentation, we watch a video of the story of David and Goliath and then do an Armor of God craft. One option is to make DIY armor the kids can wear. It is God who protects us. We win battles against evil and temptation by God’s strength alone. He is the Overcomer. God Wins!

Armor of God belt, sword, and sandal patterns

David and Jonathan — Friends — 1 Samuel 18 and 20

Both David and Jonathan believed and trusted in God. They became fast friends because of this common belief. We need to choose our friends wisely because they will influence us and encourage us to do one thing or another. When we choose friends that also believe in Jesus and follow God, it is like a cord with three strands that can not be easily broken. They will help us to stay strong.

Friends bookmark and BFF activity card

King Saul Chases David, David Honors King Saul — 1 Samuel 24 and 26

David chose to always honor the king even when the king tried to hurt him. He knew that God had chosen the king. God wants us to honor authority over us, too. We start this presentation with a game of hide and seek tag outside and finish it with a water bottle craft. The memory verse is Romans 13:1

Ziklag Raided and Burned, but David, with God, gains the Victory — 1 Samuel 30

David and his men are stuck in a hard place. They have sought refuge from the Philistine king, Achish, in the city of Ziklag, but now all the Philistines are going to go fight Israel. Must they fight their own people? God gives a way out. However now their city is burning and people have been taken away by the Amalekites. David seeks God and gets the victory after a long chase and fight with two thirds of his men. The others watched the baggage. Should they get a share of the loot? Learn that God is with us during hard times and that we work together as a team doing what we can. All will get the reward. Join in with songs, activities, and snack.

David gets a Crown, a City, and a Kingdom — 2 Samuel 5

God had promised David he would be king. David waited patiently and honored King Saul. After Saul died, there came a time when the people were ready and they crowned David king! In this presentation we get to make a crown and learn more about King David. We learn God gave him many victories and established his kingdom. David conquered Jerusalem and made it his capitol. There he built a palace. We’ll have fun going thru tunnels and building too. God is strong! He strengthens us!

David brings the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem — 2 Samuel 6

David really wanted God’s presence with him. The first time he tried to bring the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem, it was met with disaster! The second time, the ark was carried correctly. David praised God! God blessed David. We, too, Praise God that He is with us and blesses us!

David honors Jonathan and Mephibosheth — 2 Samuel 9

David wanted to keep his promise to Saul and Jonathan to be kind to their family. When he found out about Jonathan’s son, Mephibosheth, he invited him to come stay at the palace and eat with him everyday. We, too, can be kind to others, even to our enemies! In this presentation we not only learn the story, we get to do a relay race, sing, watch and do an object lesson with salt, water, and an egg, and eat a snack fit for a king.

David Repents — 1 Samuel 11-12 and Psalms 51

God called David, “a man after my own heart.” God humbly followed God, but he was not perfect. In this lesson we look at David’s sin with Bathsheba, his repentance and God’s forgiveness. We also look at Psalms 51 and learn about confession and God’s mercy and forgiveness. O Lord, create in me a clean heart. Wash me whiter than snow.

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Paul’s 3rd Missionary Journey

Paul didn’t stay in Antioch long. In fact the account in Acts has the end of the second missionary journey and the beginning of the third all in one short paragraph. We focused a lot on Paul’s second missionary journey, but we’re only catching highlights from his third.

Paul Talks All Night in Troas — Acts 20

Paul talked all night long! It was warm. Eutychus fell asleep, fell down 3 stories, and died. But Paul held him and God brought Eutychus back to life! God gives us life! Paul went many places telling the Good News that Jesus saves us and gives us eternal life! In this presentation we talk about ways to be a missionary.

Titus and Onesimus learn Respect — 2 Cor. 2:12-13; Titus; Philemon

Paul wrote many letters. Some were to churches and some were to specific people. He wrote to Titus, one of his helpers. He encouraged Titus to teach others to respect one another. Being respectful is important. Paul’s letter to Philemon and the story of Onesimus also teaches us to be respectful.

Paul Shipwrecked on the way to Rome — Acts (21-26) 27 & 28

After talking about water safety and watching the introduction to our story on video, we turn to our interactive Bible story. Read Acts 28, build a ‘fire’ with sticks and tissue paper flames, pretend to be sick & well again, then make a boat and load up the supplies. There’s also an object lesson, craft (Jesus Saves), and fun songs!

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New Believers in Christ — The First Church

Jesus commissioned his disciples to tell others the good news of salvation. They did not do this alone. They waited for the gift Jesus promised, the Holy Spirit, who enabled them to speak in many languages, do miracles in Jesus’ name, and gave them courage, wisdom, and unity. More and more believed in Jesus and accepted Him as their Savior every day! The following PowerPoint presentations tell their story and teach how we too can be witnesses for Jesus.

Pentecost, A promise kept, and a New Covenant — Acts 2

50 days after Israel was set free from Egypt, God met them at Mt. Sinai. He reminded them how He had cared for them and told them that He had chosen them to be a kingdom of priests. They were to tell others about God. God made a covenant with them and gave them the 10 Commandments. After Jesus died and rose again, He appeared to the disciples over 40 days, then He ascended to heaven. 50 days after He rose again, it was Pentecost. God sent the Holy Spirit on that very day. The Holy Spirit guides us, teaches us the truth, and empowers us to tell others about God. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace patience, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. The presentation includes an object lesson about the Fruit of the Spirit and a craft.

The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost — Reader’s Theater

Unity in the First Church — Acts 2

The lesson story is short, but the message is huge. The number of those who believed in Jesus’ resurrection and the message of the gospel grew and grew! We call this the first church. There was unity amongst them. They took care of each other and praised God together. This is a lesson in unity, working together, and sharing. We practice sharing, work on collecting items for a food bank, and learn how ants, too, work together.

The Apostles put in Prison Acts 5

This is just a short presentation of Acts 5. The kids had fun acting out the story. We were in the middle of JAMII KINGDOM VBS for campmeeting. We followed up this presentation with Day 4. You can too, here is the You Tube link.

Be my Witnesses — Acts 1

Luke witnessed Jesus alive here on earth. He wrote down the stories for us to read in the books of Luke and Acts. We too see God working about us, even tho we can’t see Him. We see lives changed. We see people get well. We can be God’s witnesses too.

Return to THE FIRST CHURCH home page to continue stories of Peter, John, Philip, and Paul.

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The First Church

Jesus spent 3 years teaching about the kingdom of God, showing God’s love to those around Him, healing many, and discipling his chosen 12 apostles. At the end, He gave His life so that we could be saved. He paid the price for sin, which is death. Not only that, He conquered death. He rose again. Because of this, He can and does offer us eternal life. We do not deserve eternal life. We can not earn it. It is a gift of grace. We accept this gift by faith.

Jesus promises that He will never leave us. In fact He is in heaven acting as our attorney. He gives us the Holy Spirit as our comforter and guide to lead us to the truth. Did you catch that Jesus is a GIVER? He gave his life. He gives eternal life to all who believe in Him. He gives us the Holy Spirit. He gives us freedom, love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, self-control, wisdom, talents, work to do, reason to live, friendship, hope, new life… and so much more!

After Jesus rose again, he appeared to many of his disciples. Then, while they watched, he ascended to heaven. He commissioned the believers to tell others about the good news of salvation. They did exactly that.

The following lessons are about how the first church completed that commission. We too have the same job to do. We are to tell others about God’s love and His gift of salvation.

Free Apostle Paul Cliparts, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art on Clipart Library
“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. So you must go and make disciples of all nations. Baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. And you can be sure that I am always with you, to the very end.” Matthew 28:19-20

New Believers in Christ — The First Church

New Believers, Deacons, and Missionaries — Stephen, Phillip, and more

Peter’s Role in the First Church

Paul’s Role in the First Church

John’s Role in the First Church — Revelation of Jesus

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Miracles of Jesus as He Continues His Ministry

Jesus is the Son of God. He saves. He heals. He provides. He is our Savior. The miracles He performed prove it and increase our faith in God. We see how much God loves us and really truly cares for each one of us. GOD LOVES YOU! He is faithful.

These presentation are a backdrop for your teaching. You know you’re kids and they love to hear you tell the stories and lead the activities.

Jesus Heals

Widow of Nain, “Stop Crying.” Young man, “Get up” — Luke 7

This Bible Story slide show tells the story of how Jesus brought the Widow of Nain’s son back to life. You can find it in Luke 7:11-17. It includes an a challenge to determine if a person is happy or sad by looking at their eyes; a craft for Thanksgiving, thanking God for life and His many blessings; along with songs and praise.

Go He is Well — Authority — Leper & Centurion’s servant healed (Matthew 5:17-20, 8:1-13)

This lesson looks at two stories that demonstrate Jesus’ authority, how he held up the law, and the people’s faith in Him. The leper asked to be healed if Jesus was willing. Jesus did and asked also that he keep the law and show himself to the priest. The Centurion recognized that Jesus, like himself, was one under authority and had authority. Thus, he had faith that Jesus could just say the word and it would be done. God answers our prayers, too. There is also the opportunity to have a nurse or doctor to come in and show items they use to help people get well. By doing what the doctor and nurses tell us, we can get well, too.

Go He is Well 2— Faith — Centurion’s Servant (Luke 7) and Official’s Son (John 4)

In this presentation we look at many examples of faith. We read and act out two stories where Jesus just spoke the word and a man believed, and the sick person was healed. The nature nugget is about how the plover bird ‘has faith’ that the crocodile won’t eat him! We can trust God. He loves and cares for us. He is strong and generous. Even though we might not see it, we can have faith in Him and his promises. We also experience what faith feels like by being blindfolded and following directions. This is a full lesson.

Demon-Possessed Man Transformed to Missionary — Luke 8

Go tell what God has done for you. The transformed man had much to tell. His life had been controlled by the devil and was full of shame, hurt, extreme violence, and banishment. That is what the devil does. Then Jesus came. The demons recognized Him. They knew that they were at Jesus’ mercy and had to obey Him. Jesus cast out them out – to the pigs (as per their request). We use vinegar to represent God’s transforming power. Using vinegar and salt to clean pennies represents how Jesus forgives and cleanses us. The town people found the man clothed and in his right mind. An egg soaked in vinegar

Jesus Heals even on the Sabbath — John 5

In John 5:1-15, Jesus takes time to visit where the disabled hang out. He offers healing. Jesus still offers to heal us physically, emotionally, and most importantly, spiritually. We take time to ponder what it would be like to be a paralytic and play I Spy. We learn about muscles and bones. We have an opportunity to accept God’s healing.

God made the Sabbath for us; Jesus restores health — Mark 2, 3, 13

When God finished creating the earth, He rested and blessed the 7th day and made the Sabbath Holy. From Sinai, He reminded His people that the Sabbath is holy and to do no work. The pharisees made many laws about the Sabbath. Jesus made it clear that the Sabbath was made for us, that we should do good on the Sabbath, and that God wants us to be healed and rejuvenated on this special day. In this presentation, Jesus and his disciples eat grain fresh off the stalk, Jesus heals a man with a withered hand and a woman who is stooped over. We have an opportunity to make blessing bags. There also is a Sabbath Activity ‘fortune teller’.

Jesus Heals Blind Man — John 9

This PowerPoint presentation is about when Jesus healed a blind man. What is it like to be blind? Let’s experience a blindfold activity to ‘see’ what its like. What animals are blind? Find out in the nature nugget. The craft is to decorate an eye mask. Jesus healed this blind man, but what is most important is that we are not spiritually blind. Do we know God and believe in Jesus? Do we see those in need and love them as God does? If so, we truly can see! Then sing to celebrate God’s power and our sight.

Jairus’ daughter and woman – Mark 6

Jesus gives life and healing. Though we may die …. just wait … Jesus is coming! We will arise and rise to meet him. Praise God! This presentation celebrates God’s healing power and resurrection morning. The nature nugget is the opossum. The message is reiterated through songs, retelling the story, and a tic-tac-toe game.

The Leper who returned and said Thank you! — Luke 17:11-19

Praise God for His many blessings, for life and health, and for His love for each one of us! We’ll take the opportunity to thank God during this lesson in song, prayer, discussion, and by making cards to give to those who cooperate with God in helping us get well when we are sick.

Jesus Provides

Jesus Feeds 5000 — Luke 9

The real story starts with the disciples returning from going out to tell the good news and doing miracles as they were commissioned and empowered by Jesus to do. With God, all things are possible! Rather than resting, Jesus talks to the large crowd about the kingdom of heaven and heals them. We look at the parable of the mustard seed and yeast and see how little things grow and provide for many. Then Jesus feeds the 5000! Indeed little becomes much and many are blessed! With God, all things are possible!

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Jesus begins His Ministry

After His baptism, Jesus often spent time with His and our Heavenly Father. God’s will was His mission and His ministry. In these lessons we learn about the first year or so of Jesus’ ministry to those around Him. He chose His disciples, taught them and others about His kingdom and righteousness, and showed God’s love for us in so many ways. Come let’s follow Jesus. Let’s sit at His feet and learn the Truth.

John the Baptist and Jesus’ Baptism — from Matthew 3, Mark 1, and John 1

This is an interactive slide presentation where the kids get to do the craft along with the story so that they can retell the story. Get the paper here. While learning about John the Baptist, they learn 1 John 1:9, about baptism and God’s saving grace. There is an optional snowflake string-art craft and an optional tic-tac-toe game.

Jesus Overcomes Temptations by the Devil — Luke 4:1-13

In this presentation we take a close look at Jesus’ temptations and how he overcame. We look at the verses He quoted in Deuteronomy and see that God is #1 and find that His Word is our Sword. We worship and obey only God. We dress a play dough child with dough armor shapes.

John’s Disciples Meet Jesus and Tell Their Friends — John 1

John the Baptist had disciples that followed him too. When John pointed out Jesus to them, two of the disciples followed Jesus. They excitedly introduced Jesus to their friends. We can tell our friends about Jesus too! The presentation starts with an opportunity for Show and Tell and ends with the craft pictured above and a relay race game with the object of bringing others to Jesus.

Meet Jesus Wheel Craft

Come and Follow Me. I Will Make You Fishers of Men — Luke 5:1-11

Jesus was and is a fisher of men. He came to where we are; to earth. He went were the people were. He told stories, healed people, did miracles, showing God’s love and power. He changed people’s lives. Jesus calls us to follow Him, to go fish and gather people into His kingdom of love and freedom. In this presentation the kids hear the story and get an opportunity to pretend to be fishermen as they sing, do the craft and activities.

Water to Wine — John 2

This presentation happens at a wedding. Maybe you want to set the tone and decorate the room like a wedding celebration. The kids will have an opportunity to make fresh grape juice. However, Jesus didn’t do it that way. How Jesus met the need was his first miracle. We celebrate with great joy! This story, water to wine, foreshadows Jesus’ life and death, which he willingly did for us. The craft comes from Danielle’s Place.

A Day in the Life of Jesus — preaching, healing, and praying — Luke 4 and Mark 1

Luke 4 tells of a very busy Sabbath day. Jesus starts by preaching in the synagogue and casts out a demon. After church he and his disciples go to Peter and Andrew’s home where he heals Peter’s mother-in-law and then they have lunch. After sundown (which technically it’s the next day), the town people bring the sick to be healed. Even after a late night, Jesus gets up early to spend time with His Father. Throughout the day, Jesus is living his sermon, which came from Isaiah 61. He came to tell the good news, give sight to the blind, and set people free. We finish the presentation with a obstacle course activity. The coloring page book that goes along with the lesson can be found here:

Coloring page book — Jesus preaches, heals, and prays

Continue to follow Jesus through His ministry — go to —- Jesus continues his ministry

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King Saul

King Saul, his son, Jonathan are examples to us. Will we, like Saul, trust in our own wisdom and power or will we, like Jonathan trust in God? This decision is often a battle within us.  It is a battle which is not over getting the biggest or best, nor politics, nor showing our strength; the real battle is in our minds and hearts.  It is in overcoming temptation with God’s help.  It is overcoming our doubts, fears, and pride. We can win this battle by accepting the armor of God. It is with God help, that we will win the battle! 
Read Ephesians 6:10-18

Samuel Speaks for God and anoints Saul as King

God is King over all the earth. Israel had had judges but they wanted a king like the other nations. Samuel was God’s representative, his priest. God was not happy that the people wanted a king, but he chose Saul. Saul looked like a king. Would he be strong and brave? Would he obey and honor God? Samuel relayed God’s message: “22 But the Lord will be true to his great name. He won’t turn his back on his people. That’s because he was pleased to make you his own people. 23 I would never sin against the Lord by failing to pray for you. I’ll teach you to live in a way that is good and right. 24 But be sure to have respect for the Lord. Serve him faithfully. Do it with all your heart. Think about the great things he has done for you. 25 But don’t be stubborn. Don’t continue to do what is evil. If you do, both you and your king will be destroyed.”

Jonathan Fights in Faith — Winning With God

The Israelite army was far outnumbered. Saul and his army were scared to death. Jonathan and his armor bearer decide to go forward and see if God was willing to give the Philistines into their hands. With God they won the victory! How can we win against the evil and temptation that assail us each day? We can put on the armor of God! We don’t win by our strength, we win with God as our strength and shield. This presentation includes a fun game of Simon Says, and an umbrella shield activity along with the Bible story, songs and a craft. Have fun!

Continue the story of David >>> David, a Shepherd Boy, Becomes a King

David the Shepherd Boy; Anointed to be king; Slays Goliath!

This presentation covers a lot of ground. We review the Armor of God while reading about David. David is anointed then is invited to play the harp for Saul. The lesson culminates with David having the victory over Goliath. God is with him each step of the way as all along he portrays what it means to wear the full armor and fight a fight of faith, tho our fight is against evil.

Ziklag Raided and Burned, but David, with God, gains the Victory — 1 Samuel 30

David and his men are stuck in a hard place. They have sought refuge from the Philistine king, Achish, in the city of Ziklag, but now all the Philistines are going to go fight Israel. Must they fight their own people? God gives a way out. However now their city is burning and people have been taken away by the Amalekites. David seeks God and gets the victory after a long chase and fight with two thirds of his men. The others watched the baggage. Should they get a share of the loot? Learn that God is with us during hard times and that we work together as a team doing what we can. All will get the reward. Join in with songs, activities, and snack.

David gets a Crown, a City, and a Kingdom — 2 Samuel 5

God had promised David he would be king. David waited patiently and honored King Saul. After Saul died, there came a time when the people were ready and they crowned David king! In this presentation we get to make a crown and learn more about King David. We learn God gave him many victories and established his kingdom. David conquered Jerusalem and made it his capitol. There he built a palace. We’ll have fun going thru tunnels and building too. God is strong! He strengthens us!

David brings the God’s Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem —

David honors Jonathan and Mephibosheth —

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Jacob Becomes Faithful

Jacob received the same promises from God that Abraham did. They were promised the land of Canaan and that Jesus would be born through their lineage. Jacob wasn’t perfect and neither are we. God works His purpose through us even though we are totally imperfect. He IS perfect. His plan is perfect. And it will all come to fruition in His perfect time.

Jacob, Isaac’s Son — find the stories of Jacob’s early life here.

Jacob’s Ladder — Genesis 28

This slide presentation includes a video of the story, Jacob’s Ladder, songs, memory text, a reading of the story from scripture while the kids pretend to be Jacob, and a craft.

Jacob Meets Rachel — Genesis 28

God does keep His promises. This presentation allows the kids to once again participate by reading a part. It also includes music, Bible verses, and a craft.

Jacob Works Faithfully — Genesis 30

This 15 slide slide presentation goes through the story of Jacob working to pay the dowry for Rachel, only to get Leah. He loves Rachel so much he works faithfully another 7 years for her. Jacob worked hard even when life didn’t seem fair.
We too should faithfully do our work.

Jacob Runs Away — Genesis 30:25-43

Jacob ran, but Laban catches up. God helps them to solve their disagreement and make a peaceful agreement. In this slide presentation we look at how to solve disagreements.

Jacob and Esau are Reunited — Genesis 32-33

This slide show is made to go along with a set of action cards found here. The kids can act out the story with the cards as it is told with the slide show.

Joseph Serves — Genesis

This slide show tells the story of Joseph in a nutshell. Spice it up by giving the kids bread or crackers in a colorful napkin to remind them of Joseph’s robe and how he served others. Look for the many ways grain is mentioned in the story. Who did Joseph serve? We can serve our family, church, and everyone around us.

Other resources here include Joseph board game and Joseph skit