Activity Array

Here you'll find an array of activities for elementary children that can be used in Children's Ministry, after-school programs, in the classroom and by homeschoolers.


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Daniel was one of the exiles from Judah that went to Babylon. He was faithful to God and taught many kings about God. He stood up for truth and made good choices.

The following PowerPoint presentations and lessons draw lessons from the life of Daniel. We read his story in his book, Daniel.

Daniel Makes Healthy Choices — Daniel 1

In this lesson the kids can participate by reading what the conversation bubbles. The craft is to stamp with vegetables and the snack is to make a vegetable person. Daniel and his three friends chose to eat only vegetables rather than eat at the unclean and unhealthy food at the king’s table. We too can make healthy choices.

Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream of a Statue — Daniel 2

Do you know what another person has dreamed, if they don’t tell you? Do you know the future? We don’t, but God does. The cool thing, is that God tells us a lot about what will happen in the future. We can read about it in the Bible. God gave Nebuchadnezzar and Daniel a dream that showed what would happen. It did happen just that way! Just the last part has yet to be fulfilled. We know that God knows the future and we can trust Him! We know that God is the King of kings and Lord of Lords. He reigns over everything with love and justice! We can trust Him! This is a great story to act out. Our statue character had a gold mask, aluminum (silver) ‘shirt’, bronze colored military skirt, black pants, and barefoot black and clay paper feet they attached to their shoes.

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, a huge statue, and a fiery furnace — Daniel 3

Nebuchadnezzar defied God’s plan of kingdoms. He made a huge statue all gold. Would his kingdom indeed last forever? He called all the officials to come and then commanded them to all bow down and worship the statue at the sounding of the instruments (listen to what the instruments sound like). Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego did not bow. They chose to stand up for God. As Psalms 91 says, they acknowledged God and He saved them. In this presentation our object lesson activity illustrates how we can confidently stand up for God. There is the above craft, songs, an a mission story.

Nebuchadnezzar’s statue. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego craft.

Nebuchadnezzar’s Pride and a tree — Daniel 4

We’ll start outside laying down on a blanket, looking up at a big tree, like that one in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, and talk about that dream. We’ll look and listen for birds and animals, ‘pick’ some fruit hung on the tree, collect leaves for the craft, and pretend to be animals in a game of charades. Inside, we’ll continue the story, color a picture, look up some Bible texts, sing, and do the craft. Along the way, we’ll learn that pride goes before a fall and that God is the Greatest of all!

A Message on the wall — Daniel 5

After King Nebuchadnezzar died several weaker kings ruled Babylon. Belshazzar did not honor God. At a banquet, he even used God’s holy temple’s goblets. We’ll talk about how we treat extraordinary things, especially holy things, with respect and honor. God wrote a message on the wall. Number, number, weight, division. We’ll talk about what it means to weigh things in a balance and use this illustration to show that the only way we can be righteous or holy is through our belief and faith in Jesus.

Daniel and the Lions Den — Daniel 6

This is another story rich in great applications for children and all of us. Daniel was trustworthy and did an excellent job in all of his work every day. We should strive to do the same. Daniel faithfully prayed to God three times every day. We should too. He continued to to pray even when it would cause trouble. He trusted God to protect him. This PowerPoint includes a couple crafts and a nature nugget on lions.

Daniel prays craft

Author: Janelle C

I enjoy planning lessons, directing VBS and child care programs. Children's ministry is my passion. God Almighty is my strength and inspiration. For fun I choose hiking, canoeing, camping, cooking, and reading.

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